Delta One Data, a market leader in index and ETF data, has launched SOLA, a platform designed to provide accessibility and visibility to ETF and index data.

Delta One Data has launched SOLA, a platform designed to provide accessibility and visibility to ETF and index data (Bernie Thurston, Head of Delta One Data).
According to Blackrock, the owner of iShares, the world’s largest ETF provider, $152 billion flowed into Exchange Traded products (ETP) between January 2011 and January 2012, pushing AUM over $1,600 billion. Indeed, it predicts further large-scale growth for the ETF industry.
Commenting on the launch, Bernie Thurston, Head of Delta One Data, said: “Delta One trading is a highly complex area. That complexity, combined with the levels of growth of this market, means most current systems will struggle.
“SOLA creates one standard model for data which can be fed into real-time engines, risk or order management systems – all leading to more accurate risk modelling and better hedging. This provides the ability for desks to benefit from one of the fastest growing businesses for the world’s largest banks.”
SOLA also has the ability to store historical data, update data points in near real-time and filter and sort data according to traders’ needs. SOLA enables this data to be used across the trade lifecycle, from order management to portfolio and order management systems. Using the data consistently across the board also enables better risk management and hedging.
SOLA is a standardised solution which makes data visible and accessible, allowing the basket to be defined either by a notional amount or a share size and allows for accurate pricing of a trader-defined basket. Currently it is in beta testing phase with nine clients and is due to be rolled out in the coming months.