UBS ETRACS Fisher-Gartman Risk On ETN
The Risk On ETN provides investors with the ability to implement a comprehensive “risk on” trade through the purchase of a single, exchange-traded security which is expected to rise when the outlook on markets and the broader economy is positive and to decrease when such outlook is negative. The Risk On ETN provides long exposure to the daily performance of The Fisher-Gartman Risk Index, and, as such, investors gain exposure to an index comprised of long positions in “risk on” instruments and short positions in “risk off” instruments linked to commodities, equities, currencies and sovereign bonds.
Energy S&P US Select Sector Source ETF
Tracks the energy sector constituents of the US S&P 500 Index. Each constituent is weighted by float-adjusted market capitalisation and is capped at 19%. The excess weight is distributed amongst all the other uncapped stocks of the given sector index.
DB X-Trackers MSCI Emerging Market Energy TR Index ETF
Tracks the performance of the companies included in the MSCI Emerging Market Index classified according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) as Energy companies.
DB X-Trackers MSCI World Energy TR Index ETF
Tracks the performance of the companies included in the MSCI World Index classified according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) as Energy companies.
Financials S&P US Select Sector Source ETF
Tracks the financials sector constituents of the US S&P 500 Index. Each constituent is weighted by float-adjusted market capitalisation and is capped at 19%. The excess weight is distributed amongst all the other uncapped stocks of the given sector index.
DB X-Trackers MSCI Emerging Market Financials TR Index ETF
Tracks the performance of the companies included in the MSCI Emerging Market Index classified according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) as Financials companies.
DB X-Trackers MSCI World Financials TR Index ETF
Tracks the performance of the companies included in the MSCI World Index classified according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) as Financials companies.
Industrials S&P US Select Sector Source ETF
Tracks the industrials sector constituents of the US S&P 500 Index. Each constituent is weighted by float-adjusted market capitalisation and is capped at 19%. The excess weight is distributed among all the other uncapped stocks of the given sector index.
DB X-Trackers MSCI Emerging Market Industrials TR Index ETF
Tracks the performance of the companies included in the MSCI Emerging Market Index classified according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) as Industrials companies.
DB X-Trackers MSCI World Industrials TR Index ETF
Tracks the performance of the companies included in the MSCI World Index classified according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) as Industrials companies.
Emerging Markets:
PIMCO EM Advantage Local Bond Index Source ETF
Tracks the PIMCO Emerging Markets Advantage Local Currency Bond Index. The PIMCO Emerging Markets Advantage Local Currency Bond Index is a GDP-weighted index that offers diversified exposure to emerging market government local currency debt that is representative of the countries driving emerging markets growth.
Invesco PowerShares FTSE RAFI Emerging Market ETF
Tracks track the performance of FTSE RAFI Emerging Market Index. Constituents include those emerging market companies with the best RAFI fundamental value based on the following four fundamental measures of firm size: book value, income, sales and dividends.
Nothern Europe (ex UK):
XACT Nordic 120 ETF
Tracks the broad NASDAQ OMX Nordic 120 Index. Constituents include the 120 largest and most traded shares listed on the exchanges in Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo and Copenhagen.
Amundi MSCI Nordic ETF
Tracks the MSCI Nordic Countries Index, Constituents include around 80 leading stocks on the Scandinavian market (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden).
United States:
Tracks the MSCI Nordic USA Index providing broad exposure to large and mid cap US equities.