Lombard Odier ’
Aug 9th, 2017 |
By James Lord, CFA
Deutsche Asset Management has unveiled the db x-trackers iBoxx USD Emerging Sovereigns Quality Weighted EUR-hedged UCITS ETF (XQUE) on Deutsche Börse’s Xetra and Frankfurt exchanges. The fund provides smart beta exposure to high quality emerging market government bonds while mitigating currency risk between the US dollar-denominated bonds and the ETF’s trading currency – the euro.
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Tags: DWS Xtrackers, Fixed Income, iShares, Lombard Odier, Markit, Smart Beta, Themes and Strategy, Vanguard
Apr 20th, 2016 |
By James Lord, CFA
ETF Securities and Lombard Odier Investment Managers have cross-listed four fundamentally weighted fixed income exchange-traded funds on Borsa Italiana. This is the first time that smart beta bond exposure has been available to Italian investors in an ETF wrapper. Massimo Siano, Head of Southern Europe, ETF Securities, said: “We’re very pleased to be listing these ETFs on the Borsa Italiana. Italy is an important growth market for us and we are fully committed to making our products accessible to all investor types.” The co-branded ETFs were launched on the London and Swiss stock exchanges last year, and have collectively amassed over $225m in AUM.
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Tags: Emerging and Frontier, ETF and Index News, ETF Industry News, ETF Launch, ETF Securities, Fixed Income, Global, Lombard Odier, Smart Beta, Themes and Strategy
Jan 13th, 2016 |
By James Lord, CFA
Lombard Odier Investment Managers, a smart beta investment manager, and ETF Securities, an exchange-traded fund provider, have announced the introduction of a GBP currency-hedged share class for their fundamentally-weighted global corporate bond ETF. Howie Li, Co-Head of CANVAS, ETF Securities, commented: “With increased currency volatility in 2015 that’s likely to continue this year, portfolio managers have become keenly aware of the impact of foreign exchange movements in their portfolios. This latest development in our range of smart beta fixed income ETFs is in response to the investment community’s need to manage their currency risk.”
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Tags: Currencies, Currency-hedged, ETF and Index News, ETF Industry News, ETF Launch, ETF Securities, Europe, Fixed Income, Lombard Odier, Smart Beta, Themes and Strategy, United Kingdom, United States and Canada
Sep 3rd, 2015 |
By John Maher, CFA
Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM), a leading smart beta specialist, and ETF Securities, a specialist exchange-traded fund provider, have launched an emerging market local government bond ETF: the ETFS Lombard Odier IM Emerging Market Local Government Bond Fundamental GO UCITS ETF (LOCL LN). Listed on the LSE, the ETF provides exposure to the local currency debt of emerging markets countries that are best placed to repay their debt. Kevin Corrigan, Head of Fundamental Fixed Income, LOIM, commented: “LOIM has over five years of experience in fundamentally weighted fixed income investing and our partnership with ETF Securities enables us to offer a wide range of investors an innovative approach to investing in emerging debt markets.”
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Tags: Emerging and Frontier, ETF and Index News, ETF Industry News, ETF Launch, ETF Securities, Fixed Income, JP Morgan, Lombard Odier, Smart Beta, Themes and Strategy